Listed rates are subject to change without notice
With over 4 decades of equine experiences and as Paso Fino owners, we are well versed in the care of long manes and tails. There is no need for braiding and our horses locks are well managed. Yours can be too!
Not without an occassional tangle our secret is keeping the pastures free of those nasty weeds that seem to tangle even the shortest of manes. There are no burrs in our fields.
And to keep those longer locks pretty we apply a product called Lazer Sheen periodically that keeps long hair slick and tangle free!
We beleive God put a mane and tail on the horse to glorify it and protect it. We beleive clean animals are less of a pest attractant but occassionally there are those times when the elements cannot be helped and a repellent may be also added as necessary.
Blanketing and ear nets are also your options and we can apply them if you leave them here and we see times when they are necessary.
There is a service charge for body rubs and grooming at $40 a session. Rates are subject to change and we ask you leave your horses halter and lead along with its grooming equipment and rest assusred it will not be so shared on other animals.